Current Students

Current Students

Resources, Handbooks, Forms, and More

Student Club/Org Registration Form

  • DND (Dungeons and Dragons) Club
  • Gallery Club
  • Zine Club
  • Animation Club
  • Study Group Club
  • My Little Pony Club

For more information regarding joining a club, please reach out to [email protected].

Submit a Technical Support Ticket

To submit a MedicTek ticket for help with Adobe, Wi-Fi/internet issues, personal device assistance, etc.:

  1. The ticket email is: [email protected]
  2. Subject line: Be specific about what type of issue you are having
  3. Body of the email – include the following information:
    1. First and last name
    2. Is this a DCAD owned device or your personal device?
    3. If this is about Wi-Fi please be specific in reporting what the location of the room/location is.
    4. Specific issue (Please be detailed here in describing the issue, what you are experiencing or observing, etc.)


Submit a Maintenance Request

To submit a facilities ticket:

Please use the following format to help us ensure efficient scheduling with our techs. If you are experiencing a facilities emergency (water leak, loss of hot water, loss of heat, etc.) please be sure to send the email as high priority.

  1. The ticket email is: [email protected]
  2. Subject line: The building where the issue is occurring
    1. 600 Building – Main DCAD Campus Building
    2. 707 Building – Student Residence Hall/Dining Facility
  3. Body of the email: Include the following information about your request:
    1. Your first and last name
    2. Location – specific room
    3. Detailed description of issue – what you are experiencing or observing

If you reported an issue recently that has not been addressed, please send it to [email protected].

Setting up Microsoft Authentication

All students are required to set up authentication for DCAD Office 365 & Populi. You will need a computer or desktop device and your phone to complete this set up following the PDF linked here.

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