


Each student will be assigned to an Orientation Leader (OL), who will help you get to all your sessions on time, keep attendance, be a resource for you, provide you with information, and lead fun activities with your orientation group.


First Year Students: You are required to attend all of New Student Orientation on both Sunday and Monday. Your OL will be available to help you get to and from your sessions. 

First Year Commuter Students: You are required to attend all of New Student Orientation on both Sunday and Monday. Your OL will be available to help you get to and from your sessions once on campus. Attendance will be taken. If you do not have a meal plan, you can still add one by emailing Muriel Mhloyi. Otherwise, lunch and dinner on Aug. 27 will be the only meals provided during orientation. Please also take note of the Art Kit pick up on Aug. 28 at 3:00 p.m. at the 707 building. You will sign for your ID and receive it from your OL.

Second Year Residents: You are required to attend Student Orientation from 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 27 (Fiesta Night) through Monday, Aug. 28. Your OL will be available to help you get to and from your sessions once on campus. Attendance will be taken. 

Second Year Commuter Students: You are required to attend Student Orientation from 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 27 (Fiesta Night) through Monday Aug. 28. Your OL will be available to help you get to and from your sessions once on campus. Attendance will be taken. Commuter students are welcome to attend all of the festivities in 707 Residence Hall. You will sign for your ID and receive it from your OL.  

All Orientation sessions are required, unless specified as “encouraged.” Meals are not required.


*subject to change

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