25th Anniversary

Celebrating 25 years of Creativity, Careers and Community

Help shape our journey and support the aspirations of the new generation continuing the DCAD legacy.

Since DCAD was founded in 1997, the world of art and design has evolved considerably, with our college not only sharing in the journey but being a driver of major changes that have elevated the appreciation for—and opportunities open to—creative minds. At a time when art and design was largely considered the realm of an elite few creating “pretty works to look at,” DCAD set forth on a mission to expand the definition of “art” and “artist” and demonstrate the immense value and power of creativity.

As pioneers in transforming art and design into thriving careers and vibrant communities, DCAD and our students have woven our influence into the world in which we all live, work and play. For 25 years, we have been proud to nurture the dreams, abilities and passion of tens of thousands of students and support their pursuit of paths that define and enrich their lives and the lives of those around them—from the fashion boutique on the corner to the desks of global animation powerhouses.

Now we look forward to the next 25 years. And we do so inspired by the realization that the marriage of classical appreciation and endless technology in today’s world represents untold potential for immersing our community even further in the beauty, benefits and contributions of artistic and creative talents brought to life. We look forward to continuing the journey!

Please celebrate with us all year long, help shape our next quarter-century of progress, and support the aspirations of the new generation continuing our legacy of Dedication, Creativity, Accomplishment, Diversity.

This site will be updated frequently in the coming months. In the meantime, participate in our upcoming events, donate, and share any memories with us on social media by using #DCAD25!

Celebrate with us!

Help shape another 25 years of progress and support the new generation continuing the DCAD legacy.

See It, Hear It, Love it

We thank multiple members of the DCAD family for lending their memories and talents to engage our community more fully in our 25th celebration.

DCAD helped me build my confidence as a young artist and see that I had potential to be a hardworking creative person in the real world.

Shelly Silva, Class of 2012, Photography

Get Social & Share

Throughout 2022, we encourage all members of our community to please share their own DCAD moments, messages, and inspirations on social media using #DCAD25. Whether you are a student, alum, family member or friend of a student or alum, person that in some way has been touched by DCAD being part of the greater Wilmington community, we’d love to hear from you. You can also share on DCAD’s Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter pages.

Thanks to our Sponsors 


  • Anonymous
  • The Young Family in Memory of Stuart B. Young


  • M&T Bank


  • Artisans’ Bank

Collector’s Circle

  • AB&C
  • Buccini/Pollin Group
  • Cinnaire
  • CSC Global
  • Kenny Family ShopRites of Delaware 
  • Mediteck
  • Mottola Group
  • PNC
  • Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP
  • Tarabicos, Grosso & Hoffman LLP
  • Tom and Linda Shopa
  • Troutman Pepper
  • WSFS

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